Chapter History
On September 21, 1966, ten young women bonded together on the campus of Millersville University to form a sisterhood. They came to be known as OTS, a shortened version of Omega Theta Sigma. As the first sorority on campus they thoughtfully and dutifully expressed their ideas concerning the group's motto, colors, flower & mascot. Finally after much deliberation they came up with the following: First, they chose their motto, "One Through Sisterhood," which in Latin translates to "Una per Sororitatum." Next the colors of Omega Theta Sigma were selected, they were Forest Green & Ivory, standing for gentleness and purity respectively. And last but not least they picked the Daisy as their flower. The reason being that the daisy had ten petals which were to represent the ten founding sisters. And finally their mascot came to be the swan.
As the years passed, the old sisters graduated and new ones were iniated into their rapidly growing sorority. Although the group's members were constantly changing, a part of them that never wavered over the years was the strength and unity they brought to their Greek organization. After many years and much discussion among themselves, the university, and a few national sororities, the group decided to take a step up in the Greek system at Millersville. After looking at many different national sororities and considering a few, a decision was made.
On February 18, 1989, a new colony of Alpha Xi Delta to be known as the Theta Alpha chapter was brought to Millersville University of Pennsylvania located in Millersville, PA. All together fourty-three newly pledged members would become a part of the membership for life. Alpha Xi chapters from as far away as West Chester PA and Gettysburg PA attended & took part in the pledging-in ceremony. Afterward a reception was held for selected faculty, parents of the pledged members and a few invited guests.
After the New Member Education process the first sisters of Alpha Xi Delta at Millersville University were initiated. Over the years with all of our sisters' hard work and dedication our Theta Alpha chapter of Alpha Xi Delta has become a great success.